10M+ UK Aerial Photos
1945 to Date
“We needed detailed aerial photos to showcase a new development. UKAerialPhotos.com had the widest selection and we downloaded map accurate aerial photos.”
“Our boundary dispute had been slowly moving toward a costly legal dispute. We had been recommended that an aerial photo of the correct date may prove our case. We went on www.ukaerialphotos.com and got the exact date we needed which resolved the dispute in days.”
How You Benefit From UKAerialPhotos
We bring together 10M+ aerial photos of the UK to make it easier for you to get hold of the right age of aerial photo, of the right area and sufficient level of detail.
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Cost effective Cost effective
mapping tools Powerful mapping tools
Detailed aerial photo
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UK Aerial Photos
Over 10m aerial photographs from 1945 to present day, covering every part of the UK. Ideal for planning & boundary disputes, site investigation, property marketing, research and gifts. Benefits include:
- One search to find aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Search by postcode, easting/northing, placename, grid reference, latitude/longitude
- Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolution
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Many aerial photos not available on Google
- Verification of date of capture available
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search available if you can’t see your photo online

Planning & Boundary Disputes
Compare date verified photos from authenticated sources. Over 10m aerial photographs from 1945 to present day, covering every part of the UK. Ideal for planning issues, property and boundary disputes and legal cases. Benefits include:
- Ideal for planning issues, planning and boundary disputes and legal cases including to prove the “20 year rule” where alterations made more than 20 years ago are treated as historic and are ignored
- Compare date verified photos for your client or case
- One search to find aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolutions
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search service available for photos not online

Site Assessments
Land and building owners, facility and asset managers can make detailed site assessments of hard-to-reach property and roofs. Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolutions for selected areas. Benefits include:
- Compare aerial photos of your land or property.
- Proactively monitor changes of use and identify maintenance requirements.
- Compare date verified photos for your client or case
- One search to find aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Get the detail you need - from 25cm to 1m resolutions
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search service available for photos not online

Property Marketing
Help your client’s property stand out. Offer high resolution aerial photographs showing neighbourhood, property boundaries, land and buildings. Enhance property research and differentiate your marketing.
- Instantly search, find and download high quality photos of your client's land and property.
- One search to find aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolutions for selected photos
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search service available for photos not online

Historical Research
Find millions of old and historical photos of the UK from the largest photo sources and archives including the historic 1947 RAF survey of many cities across the UK.
- One search to find old aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Find location by postcode, easting/northing, placename, grid reference, latitude /longitude
- Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolutions for selected photos
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Many aerial photos not available on Google
- Verification of date of capture available
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search service available for photos not online

Aerial photos make a memorable gift for friends and families and colleagues. Share a high quality photo that shows a special location and date that your friends and family will never forget.
- One search to find old aerial photos sourced from the UK’s largest aerial photography publishers
- Find location by postcode, easting/northing, placename, grid reference, latitude /longitude
- Get the detail you need - from 5cm to 1m resolutions for selected photos
- Preview and download in 1 minute
- Many aerial photos not available on Google
- Photos come in a handy PNG format or others on request
- Bespoke search service available for photos not online